How to get the list of buffers currently displayed in tabs?

Josip Gracin gracin at
Wed Mar 21 09:04:05 EDT 2007


What I'm trying to do is to bind, for example, Super-1 to switch to the 
first buffer displayed in the buffer tab list, Super-2 to switch to the 
second buffer etc.

It would be easy if (buffers-tab-items) always returned buffers in the 
exact same order as they appeared in the tabs.  However, the tabs aren't 
updated often enough, so the order of displayed tabs does not match the 
order that (buffers-tab-items) return.

Is there a way to obtain list of buffers from the tab?  I mean, to get 
what is really displayed, and not what will be displayed next time that 
buffer tabs get refreshed?  Or perhaps, is there a way to force a 
refresh of buffer tabs in order to synchronize it with what 
(buffers-tab-items) returns?


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