want to test gnus 5.10.8?

Mike Kupfer mike.kupfer at sun.com
Fri Mar 9 13:52:54 EST 2007

gnus 5.10.8 is now available as a pre-release XEmacs package (the
current stable package is gnus 5.10.7).  I've been using it for quite
awhile with no problems, but I only use a subset of its features.  So
some additional testers would be appreciated.

If you'd like to try it out, the steps are

1. select a prerelease archive from the Pre-releases menu (Tools->
   Packages->Set Download Site->Pre-releases)
2. update your package index (Tools->Packages->Update Package Index)
3. get the list of available packages (Tools->Packages->List and
4. middle-click on the line for gnus
5. download and install (Packages->Install/Remove Selected)

If you run into any problems, please report it on
xemacs-beta at xemacs.org.


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