Patches for ruby-modes

Mats Lidell matsl at
Sun Dec 17 17:50:48 EST 2006

>>>>> Stephen wrote:

Stephen> jobs.html is way out of date.  I really doubt we have a
Stephen> package patch tender anymore (if we ever did :-).

OK. So it is up to the reviewers then for the packages that lack a
dedicated maintainer.

Stephen> Our past experience says that it's important to build a
Stephen> package in the XEmacs package tree to ensure consistency,
Stephen> especially of inlined code (macros and defsubsts).  

I know. ;-)

I was thinking of maintaining within the package tree but trying to
find a procedure that could make it easier for the package tree
maintainers. It is hard to know all different modes so just making
some small checks, make it build and then let the requester and users
beta test it could be a way to handle obscure things without demanding
to much labor!?

%% Mats

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