[slime-devel] Re: match-string-no-properties missing?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue Dec 5 23:55:03 EST 2006

Didier Verna writes:

 >         XEmacs has this function in xml.el, from the net-utils
 > package. It is actually defined as an alias on match-string. I'm
 > not sure why it's there...

Surely because the xml.el maintainer for the XEmacs package found it
was needed. :-)

 > maybe a better place would be directly in replace.el (or in
 > fsf-compat, but do we really want to have to load that ?).

IMO, fsf-compat is a better place for the quick and dirty fix, because
that means that people with elderly but healthy XEmacsen (doesn't the
OP have 21.4.15?) don't have to upgrade to maintain functionality.  If
somebody wants to investigate whether we need and want
`match-string-no-properties', and make sure that XEmacs DTRTs for both
versions of that function, then I'd be happy to see it in core (with a
`(unless (fboundp msnp) ...)' wrapper on the fsf-compat version).

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