[mule] xemacs doesn't recognize some symbols

Andriy Gapon avg
Fri Oct 27 13:02:03 EDT 2006

on 27/10/2006 19:43 Andriy Gapon said the following:
> I have my own layouts for Ukrainian and Russian, regular layouts have
> poorer repertoire of symbols and do not employ AltGr.
> On the other hand, I've just set the standard ua layout and tried to
> enter small and capital GHE WITH UPTURN, which is bound to backlash/pipe
> key, and I got exactly them, backslash and pipe. At the same time xterm
> input was just fine.
> So Mode_switch was probably my over-imagination, it seems that XEmacs
> falls back either to us layout or some built-in layout.

Important addition: I can neither properly copy/paste GHE WITH UPTURN
nor properly view a file with it ? in both cases it is displayed as some
strange symbol. Actually not only displayed, but converted to that
symbol, I could look it up with gnome charmap:

? U3013 GETA MARK (substitute for ideograph not in font)

And from my custom.el:
 '(default ((t (:size "16pt" :family "Terminus"))) t))

P.S. Macedonian Gje is now OK, so it seems that the Soviet conspiracy
against GHE WITH UPTURN lives on, kidding :-)

Andriy Gapon

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