[Bug: 21.5-b27] Still a huge leak in XEmacs-21.5.27-latest-CVS's newgc

Nix nix
Wed Oct 25 19:26:35 EDT 2006

On 25 Oct 2006, nix at esperi.org.uk told this:
> Wow! Open gc.c, and, pop! 800Mb RSS.

... and, no, opening gc.c does not always add 200Mb to the memory usage.

(Mind you it's crept up by 150Mb in the last hour:

nix at hades 309 /home/nix% ps -o rss,vsz,args -C xemacs
178840 226132 xemacs

The RSS and VSZ basically never go down.)

This is #3 on my list of XEmacs bugs to squash, so don't worry: if you
don't get to it, I will.

`When we are born we have plenty of Hydrogen but as we age our
 Hydrogen pool becomes depleted.'

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