Mule bugs: misidentification (Latin-1 vs. Chinese), revert issues

Michael Sperber sperber
Mon Oct 23 05:20:11 EDT 2006

<stephen at> writes:

> Losing encoding information on revert?  Please be more specific.

I open a file with UTF-8 coding-system.  I touch that file outside of
XEmacs and then do M-x revert-buffer RET.  The non-ASCII characters
get mangled.  From the looks of it, upon re-reading the file is
treated as Latin-1 (i.e. multibyte UTF-8 encodings get turned into the
characters represented by their component bytes), and the result is
then translated to UTF-8.  (The modeline still says "UTF-8", though.)
For example, "Anf?nger" gets turned into "Anf??nger" upon revert.  (I
hope Gnus hasn't screwed this up on send.)

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, V?lkerverst?ndigung und ?berhaupt blabla

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