Expect a stream of "old" posts

stephen at xemacs.org stephen
Tue Oct 17 11:51:25 EDT 2006

Due to a misconfiguration(?) in the mailing list spam filter that was
exposed by the loss of the mailing lists, I discovered a large number
of posts (greater than 10, less than 300 ;-) that bounced back to the
mailing list owner and then got spam-trapped as "admin posts to list".

After a preliminary automatic filtering that whittled down the 725
messages in that box to 275, I'm going to have to vette the rest
manually, I'm afraid.  From an initial sample, I know that there's
plenty of both spam and ham in there.

This probably means that for 7-10 days to come a few posts per day
will trickle out with "Date" headers between August 28 (when the
system crashed) and October 12 (when the lists generally got
reinstalled).  Please consider this "normal for these abnormal

In the process I discovered a further misconfiguration in the current
setup, which caused patches generated by patcher.el and submitted to
the XEmacs Patches to disappear into the ether.  (There's code in the
spam filter to short-circuit patcher patches direct to the mailing
list, which failed to get retargeted to the new mailman host.)  This
is now fixed, but if you submitted such a patch between 10/10 and
10/17, please resubmit.  I suspect that they bounced back to list
owner, as described above, but won't know until I've checked those 300
messages.  I'll take care of avoiding the duplicate.

I apologize for the confusion.

I-had-the-motive-means-and-opportunity-so-I'm-guilty-ly y'rs,

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