hunspell - ispell.el flyspell-mode

Uwe Brauer oub at
Fri Aug 25 04:16:28 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Holst <holst at> writes:
   Stefan> Hello all!

   Stefan> Additionally I recognized that flyspell doesn't offer
   Stefan> possible correction as it usually does if ispell or aspell
   Stefan> is used. Is there anybody responsible for flyspell. My
   Stefan> email to the developer returned with a delivery
   Stefan> failure. Any help would be very much appreciated. Best
   Stefan> Regards

I tried to contact the flyspell maintainer some time ago, since I find
it inconvenient that flyspell uses corrections as sort of global
abbreviations and does not distinguish different languages. Alas I
learnt that flyspell is no longer maintained.

Uwe Brauer 

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