[Bug: 21.4.18] startls gets stuck

Uwe Brauer oub at mat.ucm.es
Tue Aug 15 11:55:47 EDT 2006

>>>>> "sjt" == Stephen J Turnbull <stephen at xemacs.org> writes:

   Uwe> 250 2.0.0 OK 1154349802 o45sm7514984nfa

   Uwe> Any help is appreciated, sending works but archiving not and
   Uwe> I am not sure whether this is a bug or a wrong setting.

   sjt> You still have the mail in the buffer (and for Gnus, in the
   sjt> draft folder), right?  If not, that's a bug.  However, whether

It is still there. The buffer does not get buried since as you say,
the process is considered as still being active.
   sjt> the archiving to the FCC folder happens or not is a design
   sjt> decision; as far as the MUA knows, the mail was not
   sjt> successfully posted, so the transaction is still active.  The
   sjt> MUA should preserve the message *somewhere*, but it's up to
   sjt> the MUA to decide how and where to do that.  Some users might
   sjt> get annoyed if their archives got cluttered up with duplicates
   sjt> in cases where the mail *did* fail and they had to resent.

   Uwe> According to Simon Josefsson the author of smtpmail.el this
   Uwe> seems to be an (X)Emacs bug.

   sjt> So, Simon, what do you think is going wrong?  Or are you just in a
   sjt> hurry to go skydiving? ;-)

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