Balloon help and AUCTeX

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Fri Aug 11 07:16:39 EDT 2006

>>>>> "David" == David Kastrup <dak at> writes:

    David> and you'll have preview-latex users at least as a test
    David> audience.  And the problem reports will wind up at your own
    David> door.

They never have ended up at XEmacs in the past.  Do you have a reason
to suppose that will change now?

    David> Enabling it in AUCTeX by default will, even if I take your
    David> word as gospel, cause trouble for all users with older
    David> versions, presumably also XEmacs 21.4.

Nobody has yet suggested that.  There are still 1.25 bugs outstanding,
which I for one would like to try to fix, or at least make less
annoying, before changing defaults anywhere.

By the way, balloon-help is a packaged library; none of the fixes
require changes to XEmacs core.[1]  All users of XEmacs 21.x (x >= 1)
need to do is update to the improved version of the edit-utils package
once it is released.

[1]  Of course fixing a crash does, but without a stack trace, there
will be no fix in the short run.

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