Balloon help and AUCTeX [was: displaying variables in gdb mode]

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Thu Aug 10 23:06:36 EDT 2006

>>>>> "David" == David Kastrup <dak at> writes:

    "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> writes:

    David> "does not cause the Windows port to crash".

    >> Don't recall hearing of that before, either.  :-( You wouldn't
    >> happen to be able to point to a debugger stack trace, would
    >> you?

    David> At the danger of repeating myself: I don't use XEmacs, and
    David> I don't use Windows.  And if at a customer site an editing
    David> system happens to crash, I won't start compiling and
    David> debugging stuff there.

By my count, that's 3 of 5 bugs we can close or shelve: two bugs
solved in my last post, this one unfixable in any reasonable horizon
due to lack of user cooperation.

Continuing the count-down, I wrote that it should be easy to solve the
pop-down-on-event issue.  Turns out it's half-solved already---any
command will pop down the help.  I also know how to get it to pop down
on motion or a non-command keystroke, but I don't know if that's
desirable in all cases---I'd like to keep the option open, but how to
handle that will depend on the different use cases.

So that's 3.75 out of 5 bugs that we can close, simply on the basis of
getting you to rant a little more specificly.

Please give me the other specifications I requested, so that we can
close the "gets in the way" bug.

With 4.75 out of 5 bugs closed, you can reenable balloon-help, and we
can start on the process of making it work more than merely
"acceptably well" for AUCTeX.

How about that, David?

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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