how to restrict the numbers of chars in a buffer/file

David Kastrup dak at
Wed Aug 2 09:32:10 EDT 2006

Uwe Brauer <oub at> writes:

> Hello
> Is there any possibility that a given buffer/file only admits say 150
> chars but not more?

    `after-change-functions' is a simple built-in variable.

    Value: nil

    List of functions to call after each text change.
    Three arguments are passed to each function: the positions of
    the beginning and end of the range of changed text,
    and the length of the pre-change text replaced by that range.
    (For an insertion, the pre-change length is zero;
    for a deletion, that length is the number of characters deleted,
    and the post-change beginning and end are at the same place.)

    Buffer changes made while executing `after-change-functions'
    don't call any before-change or after-change functions.

So cut down any changes to 150 characters here.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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