[Success] XEmacs 21.5-b27 i586-pc-win32 VC2005Express

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Jul 31 10:16:03 EDT 2006

>>>>> "G" == "G.Yama" <gmn9yama at yahoo.co.jp> writes:

    G> XEmacs 21.5-b27 builds using VS2005Express( and MS Platform SDK
    G> ) with some modifications, and runs good so far.

Great!  Thanks for the report.  I don't do Windows myself, but I
suspect that the changes you've made are not going to be acceptable
for distribution purposes.

Do you know of any macros specific to VC2005Express that we could use
to conditionalize your changes?


1. The modifications are:

  in src/dumper.c at line 2185
     //retry_close (pdump_fd); <== comment out this line

2. To build debug version(DEBUG_XEMACS=1 in config.inc),
   following modifications are also needed.

  in lib-src/make-docfile.c at line 224,309,314
     replace all READ_TEXT with "r".

     because this conflicts with
     line 173
        #ifdef WIN32_NATIVE
          _fmode = O_BINARY;
          _setmode (fileno (stdout), O_BINARY);
        #endif /* WIN32_NATIVE */

  in nt/xemacs.mak at line 676
     DEBUG_FLAG_COMPILE_DEBUG=-Od #-RTC1 <== replace -RTC1 with -Od

     because -RTC1 option causes exception
     at function 'run_in_other_process' in src/process-nt.c.
     (I don't understand exactly what's going on.)

[log omitted]

School of Systems and Information Engineering http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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