Autoload error

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Wed Jul 26 13:26:20 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike FABIAN <mfabian at> writes:

    Mike> Recent versions of "wl" really require a newer version of
    Mike> "apel", the version which is already in the XEmacs sumo
    Mike> packages won't do.

APEL is such a pain in the butt.

    Mike> Unfortunately the sumo packages won't build anymore without
    Mike> "apel", some parts in the sumo packages require "apel" (eg
    Mike> "tm" requires "apel" as far as I remember).

We may be able to deprecate tm.  Although it was required by Gnus and
VM at one time, both of those now have their own MIME facilities.  But
I suspect there are other packages that still require APEL.

    Mike> To have a quick solution for the "wl" (Wanderlust) users, I
    Mike> created an extra "xemacs-apel" packages which shadows the
    Mike> "apel" package which already comes with "xemacs-packages".

    Mike> How can this be done correctly?

By removing dependencies on APEL, which is broken by design. :-( Or at
least it was the last time I looked at it.  One big problem is that
APEL optimizes for a given version of Emacs at compile time.  So the
distributed package really needs to be compiled by the oldest XEmacs
you support, but that's not going to be right for current or beta
versions of XEmacs.  Another problem is that there's no API to
determine whether a given function was provided by the core or by

That said, it looks like that would take a huge amount of effort.  I
suspect that tm is the only package that needs an old version of APEL,
and that's probably because it requires files that are no longer
present in newer versions of APEL.  Perhaps those files could be added
to the new version, or perhaps better yet moved to tm.

In the medium term eliminating dependencies on tm.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
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