[Bug: 21.4.17] fatal error(11) with seg fault in the middle of error report

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Jul 26 06:19:48 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Leena" == Leena Ikonen <leena.ikonen at lut.fi> writes:

    Leena> (gdb) where
    Leena> #0  0x080ae04f in Frunning_temacs_p ()
    Leena> #1  0x081d44b8 in hash_table_description ()
    Leena> #2  0x0000000b in ?? ()
    Leena> #3  0xbfffcecc in ?? ()
    Leena> #4  0x08192990 in sys_do_signal ()
    Leena> #5  0xbfffca6c in ?? ()
    Leena> #6  0x0000000b in ?? ()
    Leena> #7  0x00000000 in ?? ()

etc, etc.

This stack trace makes no sense (it's not possible for a program to
execute instructions at address 0x00000000, hash_table_description is
a variable, not a function).  Furthermore, the executable has been
stripped of all debugging information; there's basically no hope for

Your best bet is to upgrade to a newer version of XEmacs (21.4.19 is
current).  The next is to send a report to the place you got the
binary (Mandriva, I guess) and hope they can debug it (since they
created the package, they probably could reproduce the symbol table,
or maybe they have a debug package with an unstripped XEmacs).

You could also try running under gdb (something like "gdb `which
xemacs`"), and trying to get a sane stack trace.  However, it will
still be nearly impossible to interpret, since it will have no
information about argument values and so on.

School of Systems and Information Engineering http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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