Autoload error

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Tue Jul 25 21:57:59 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Carl" == Carl Gwilliam <gwilliam at> writes:

    Carl> Hi, I installed xemacs on suse 10.1 using YaST but get the
    Carl> [package already loaded] error upon loading.  Does anyone
    Carl> have any ideas?

You have two copies of APEL in your search path.  Why there's a copy
of APEL in site-packages I don't know, unless you put it there; it's
guaranteed to conflict.

Depending on what's in the term package in site-packages, you could
also run into trouble there.

If you don't remember putting APEL into site-packages (I would guess
it got pulled in as a dependency of SEMI), then please report this to
your vendor (SuSE) as a bug in their package management.  (The XEmacs
Project reserves site-packages for local use; we will never put
anything in there, so it's either you or SuSE.)

I'm not sure this will work (since it's an error early in startup, and
many facilities have not been initialized), but you could try running

xemacs -batch -no-autoloads -l shadow -f list-load-path-shadows

in a terminal window to get a list of potential problems with
multiply-installed libraries, or different libraries with duplicate
names.  (You may want to pipe to less or redirect to a file to send to
SuSE, as well.)

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
               Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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