branching in packages?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Tue Jul 18 16:00:43 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Ilya" == Ilya N Golubev <gin at> writes:

    Ilya> Often the only thing read after upstream cvs update is new
    Ilya> change log text.  Better put this notice in change log.

Semantic content: "I don't feel like reading the patch discussion, so
put information that belongs with the patch discussion in text that I
do read."  Deserves no response.

And elsewhere:

    Ilya> My experience is that I will just end up with the same
    Ilya> broken version promoted to stable and causing the same
    Ilya> grief.

That's always a risk.  There's nothing (that involves reasonable
levels of effort) we can do about that risk and still put new code
into circulation.  You can't have both new code and stability---and
that's your choice to make.  XEmacs does not force you to upgrade

I think it's time to stop running in circles.  Let's end this thread

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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