branching in packages?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Tue Jul 18 00:08:15 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Ilya" == Ilya N Golubev <gin at> writes:

    Ilya> Agree that need also numbers of stable package versions -
    Ilya> from master package download site,

That is precisely what you get with,
which is the database used by list-packages.  By its nature, this file
does *not* include packages in pre-release state, only the latest
public release.  That is the closest approximation we can reasonably
offer to a list of stable versions.  We could slightly improve on this
by matching a CVS tag to it, but is there really that big a difference
between a CVS tag and an authoritive list from the download site?

There are also dated indexes, eg, package-index.LATEST.gpg is symlink
to package-index.2006-05-08.gpg.  (Currently only LATEST is available;
you'd have to ask Norbert what his policy is on cleaning out the older
ones and whether they're archived somewhere.)

School of Systems and Information Engineering
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