[PATCH] Raw strings, from Python via SXEmacs

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Jul 17 11:54:55 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Aidan" == Aidan Kehoe <kehoea at parhasard.net> writes:

    Aidan> (Anyway, when you’re developing your code, you can use raw
    Aidan> strings for your regexes, and then hit C-u C-x C-e to
    Aidan> insert the normal string representations of same, then
    Aidan> comment out the raw strings.

Yeah, that occurred to me.  There's precedent: regexp-opt, which many
people prefer to compile the optimized version at build time rather
than optimize the compiled version at run time.

The fact that a raw string is a syntax error in Emacsen without the
patch is a definite point in its favor.  Using a raw string in
distributed code then is almost always a minor annoyance to users,
rather than potentially an "active" bug changing the semantics of a
working program.

    Aidan> I do not mean to suggest that it’s more relevant than
    Aidan> compatibility with GNU.

I do mean to suggest that---but I don't know if I agree!

    Aidan> (Tangent; oh Jesus fuck does anyone have any suggestions as
    Aidan> to where to start when looking for the
    Aidan> dropping-characters-with-Linux-and-ncurses 21.5 bug!?! This
    Aidan> is driving me insane.)

I would guess it's in the lstream code, which Jerry and Tony Bennett
have been playing with over the last year or so.  I suspect their
patches are responsible for the "Write failed flushing stdout
buffer.\nwrite stdout: broken pipe" warnings I've been seeing using
CVS recently.

 > I'm not going to veto (I like raw strings!), but please give it some
 > time (a couple weeks, rather than the usual 48 hours) before you
 > conclude that lack of discussion == tacit approval.


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School of Systems and Information Engineering http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
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