branching in packages?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Mon Jul 10 23:50:42 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Ilya" == Ilya N Golubev <gin at> writes:

    Ilya> Currently cvs certainly contains package version tags.  But
    Ilya> these tags do not specify whether the version is stable, and
    Ilya> thus useless for the task described above.

If there's a version tag, it's stable as far as we know.  If the
package maintainer believes there's an issue, they tell Norbert, who
holds back on any release until it's resolved.  Some package
maintainers keep exceptionally unstable packages in the unsupported
tree (eg, Ville Skyttä's vc sync).  The prerelease cycle is mostly
intended to catch packaging bugs, not Lisp code bugs.

If you want to avoid the pre-releases, then M-x list-packages will tell
you current recommended version as long as you have no pre-release
archives in the list of download hosts.

    Ilya> As for keeping my branches in your CVS - thanks for
    Ilya> invitation; all my code certainly can be released to the
    Ilya> public.

If you want us to take *any* precautions to not break your code,
publication of your code is absolutely necessary.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
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              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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