Bug report + patch: add a few missing ;;;###autoload cookies

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue Jul 4 14:19:03 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike FABIAN <mfabian at suse.de> writes:

    Mike> The custom-defines.elc files
    Mike> /usr/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/build/custom-defines.elc
    Mike> /usr/share/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/ps-print/custom-defines.elc

    Mike> use some variables and functions which don't have autoload cookies.

Yuck.  This is a real abuse of the autoload mechanism IMO.  Autoloads
should be restricted to defined entry points for the module; libraries
shouldn't be loaded merely to compute a menu item that doesn't even
get displayed!

    Mike> Adding the autoload cookies as in the attached patch fixes
    Mike> the problem, even if the .el files are not installed

But if somebody adds a random variable to a computation, we'll have
the same problem all over again, right?  So really we need everything
that might be used in a menu item to get autoloaded.  I wonder if it's
possible to precompute these things when the custom-defines file is
being built.

I guess I'm inclined to put the patch in, but this whole situation
needs to get revisited.

School of Systems and Information Engineering http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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