Dangerous strcpy

Max Matveev makc at sgi.com
Thu Jun 22 22:02:53 EDT 2006

>>>>> "james" == Jerry James <james at xemacs.org> writes:

 james> I don't know.  It seems like a lot of complication and fuss.  All this
 james> code really wants to know is if DISPLAY points to frame 0 on the same
 james> machine that XEmacs itself is running on.

And why would you want to do that?  The reason I ask is because in the
past I've used the trick of setting display to mymachine:0 to deal
with "energizer bunby sindrome" and to cure some of the bugs which
made XEmacs hang if run over SHM transport. IMO, if user asked for a
display to point to host, just point to host and don't try to second
guess her intentions, she knows best, really.


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