Fonts for tabs and menus using Xft!?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Sat May 6 03:16:07 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Mats" == Mats Lidell <matsl at> writes:

    Mats> I have failed for the buffer tabs and the menus. Is there
    Mats> some way to control the fonts there?

At startup using X resources I have

	  XEmacs*Tabs.xftFont: Bitstream Vera Sans-12:dpi=100
       XEmacs*menubar*xftFont: Bitstream Vera Sans-12:Bold:dpi=100
XEmacs.modeline.attributeFont: Bitstream Charter-12:dpi=100
 XEmacs.default.attributeFont: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-12:dpi=100

There doesn't seem to be a way to get at them via faces, so there's
probably not much you can do from Lisp.

YMMV, but I'd like to point out the modeline font.  It's proportional,
so I get a *lot* more information in the modelines.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
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