AW: AW: xemacs trouble maximizing window

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Thu May 4 10:27:41 EDT 2006

>>>>> "Wulf" == Wulf Krueger <Wulf.Krueger at> writes:

    >> If so, the WMs are broken.

    Wulf> One application [XEmacs] misbehaves when its window is being
    Wulf> maximised. Not a single other application I've ever seen in
    Wulf> a decade of Linux usage or so does in *this* way. So your
    Wulf> conclusion is the WMs are broken? I beg to differ.

If you don't like the word "broken", how about "underfeatured"?

The Xt model of window management does not allow XEmacs to reconfigure
its top-level windows.  My belief is that the WMs are doing so,
presumably at XEmacs's request.  Where the bug is can be debated.
However, unless XEmacs is doing something evil (as opposed to buggy),
the WM can just set the window configuration to "maximized", and stop
listening to XEmacs window configuration requests until the user
unmaximizes.  Presumably that information is available to the WM
anyway.  Then it doesn't matter where the bug is, does it?

    Wulf> But as a user I want my software to support me doing my
    Wulf> job. I don't want to have to remember not to maximise a
    Wulf> window.

I do not know how to fix XEmacs, and don't yet have an approach for
doing so that I'm at all confident of.  I'm working on it (I've never
stopped, actually; it just became a lot less pressing for a while
because the last patch fixed all cases I knew of).

I do have an approach for working around in the WMs, but have no
intention of working on them.  Nonetheless, you might get more joy
more quickly by asking your WM's maintainer for this feature.

    Wulf> I *do* care about the fact that maximising XEmacs has been
    Wulf> broken now for quite some time for me, though, because it's
    Wulf> *really* annoying. If I can help you track this problem down
    Wulf> just let me know.

$ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DDEBUG_GEOMETRY_MANAGEMENT" ./config.status --recheck
$ make clean
$ make
$ src/xemacs -vanilla >geometry.log 2>&1 &

and try maximizing and unmaximizing.  Send us geometry.log and a copy
of your Installation.  Please check that -DDEBUG_GEOMETRY_MANAGEMENT
is present in the compile commands from make; this works for me but
the configure logic around CFLAGS is byzantine and has been buggy in
the fairly recent past.

I apologize in advance.  I don't think this will be sufficient,
because there aren't any debugging statements in the areas I think are
most suspect.  However, this should help to figure out what debugging
output we need to add.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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              ask what your business can "do for" free software.

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