21.4.{17,18} configure.in and ldap

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue Dec 13 12:40:16 EST 2005

>>>>> "Ilya" == Ilya N Golubev <gin at mo.msk.ru> writes:

    >> I haven't seen any complaints about the logic in 21.5,

    Ilya> They were in
    Ilya> <http://list-archive.xemacs.org/xemacs-beta/200411/msg00557.html>
    Ilya> posted on Fri, 26 Nov 2004 22:57:47 +0300
    Ilya> (<027c41a78aba26-gin at mo.msk.ru>).

You complained, I asked what you suggest be done, you dropped the
thread, I forgot about it.  Sorry.

In your other recent post you write

    Ilya> Never tried to figure out, whether that depends on dynamic
    Ilya> linker features, or openldap version, or both (newer
    Ilya> openldap making use of newer dynamic linker features).
    Ilya> Anyway, can not expect linking with `-lldap' only to succeed
    Ilya> on all systems.

21.5's configure makes no such assumption; in fact it tests for
several auxiliary libraries and makes a special extra test for -llber.
If that doesn't work on your system, there's not much I can do,
because it works on Mac OS X and it works on Debian Linux, and it
works on Cygwin (what Volker maintains).  You need to tell us what
will work on your system, or at least help us figure it out.

For starters, tell us what undefined symbols you're getting; we could
try testing for them the same way we already test for 'ber_pvt_opt_on'.

School of Systems and Information Engineering http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
University of Tsukuba                    Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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