Coding system problem.

David Kastrup dak at
Wed Feb 9 14:42:12 EST 2005


I have a problem with XEmacs MULE which I need to get fixed for the
next preview-latex release (and it will occur with AUCTeX as well
unless I am mistaken).

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "No such coding system" iso-latin-1-unix)
  set-process-coding-system(#<process "Preview-LaTeX" pid 8613 state:run> iso-latin-1-unix)
  byte-code("..." [TeX-sentinel-function preview-gs-file pr-file commandbuff str process process-buffer process-mark nil preview-get-geometry preview-TeX-inline-sentinel featurep mule set-process-coding-system TeX-parse-reset TeX-parse-TeX TeX-synchronous-sentinel "Preview-LaTeX" buffer-file-coding-system TeX-parse-function TeX-process-asynchronous file] 4)
  TeX-inline-preview-internal("latex \"\\nonstopmode\\PassOptionsToPackage{active,dvips,counters,auctex}{preview}\\AtBeginDocument{\\ifx\\ifPreview\\undefined\\RequirePackage[displaymath,floats,graphics,textmath,sections,footnotes]{preview}\\fi}\\input{circ.tex}\"" "circ" (TeX-master-file . "circ") #<buffer "circ.tex"> ("/home/dak/src/preview/circ") "circ")
  preview-generate-preview(nil "circ" nil)
  #<compiled-function nil "...(14)" [preview-LaTeX-command-replacements TeX-save-document TeX-master-file preview-generate-preview nil t] 5 ("/usr/share/xemacs/site-packages/lisp/preview/preview.elc" . 38669) nil>()

What is this?  The coding system actually is _verbatim_ gotten from
buffer-file-coding-system where it has been automatically set by
XEmacs, so XEmacs should have heard of it, shouldn't it?

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?  This is XEmacs 21.4.17, RedHat
build.  Is this expected behavior?

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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