[Bug: 21.5-b17] [21.5-b17] Crash with font-lock

Holger Schauer Holger.Schauer at gmx.de
Thu Aug 5 07:59:38 EDT 2004

Dear XEmacs-Bug-Team,

it's been awhile, but I recently had another shot at the current
development version, to see whether the font-lock related crashes I
encountered are gone. They're not, unfortunately. What I do is
running xemacs -vanilla, enable font-locking, load some file that
would get fontified and *boom*.

Funny thing is, if I enable lazy-shot, it's a lot more difficult to
trigger the problem, so that's my current workaround.

Lisp backtrace follows:

  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # bind (inhibit-quit)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  redisplay-frame(#<x-frame "emacs" 0x1418>)
  # bind (ext gutter-string val inhibit-read-only frame value message)
  raw-append-progress-feedback("Fontifying font-lock-stuff.el..." 0 #<x-frame "emacs" 0x1418>)
  # bind (tmsg top frame value message label)
  append-progress-feedback(font-lock "Fontifying font-lock-stuff.el..." 0 nil)
  # bind (frame value message label)
  display-progress-feedback(font-lock "Fontifying font-lock-stuff.el..." 0)
  # bind (str)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # bind (args value fmt label)
  progress-feedback-with-label(font-lock "Fontifying %s..." 0 "font-lock-stuff.el")
  # bind (maybe-loudly end beg)
  font-lock-default-unfontify-region(1 3389 t)
  # bind (loudly end beg)
  font-lock-unfontify-region(1 3389 t)
  # bind (was-on font-lock-verbose font-lock-message-threshold aborted)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # bind (font-lock-verbose)
  # bind (on-p maximum-size arg)
  # bind (explicit-defaults)
  # bind (nomodes after-find-file-from-revert-buffer noauto warn error)
  after-find-file(nil t)
  # (unwind-protect ...)
  # bind (inhibit-read-only error number truename rawfile nowarn filename buf)
  find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer "font-lock-stuff.el"> "/home/schauer/emacs/elisp/config/font-lock-stuff.el" nil nil "/home/schauer/emacs/elisp/config/font-lock-stuff.el" (466429 776))
  byte-code("..." [number truename rawfile nowarn filename buf set-buffer-major-mode find-file-noselect-1] 7)
  # (condition-case ... . ((t (byte-code "!¨Ã @       A\"§" [buf data kill-buffer signal] 3))))
  # bind (number truename buf wildcards rawfile nowarn filename)
  find-file-noselect("~/emacs/elisp/config/font-lock-stuff.el" nil nil t)
  # bind (wildcards codesys filename)
  #<compiled-function (filename &optional codesys wildcards) "...(53)" [coding-system-for-read wildcards filename codesys value get-coding-system find-file-noselect nil mapcar switch-to-buffer] 6 1045931 (list (read-file-name "Find file: ") (and current-prefix-arg (read-coding-system "Coding system: ")) t)>("~/emacs/elisp/config/font-lock-stuff.el" nil t)
  (dispatch-event "[internal]")
  # (condition-case ... . error)
  # (catch top-level ...)

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

GDB just gives me:

[gimli->schauer]gdb /usr/local/bin/xemacs core
(gdb) where
#0  0x40298781 in kill () from /lib/libc.so.6
Cannot access memory at address 0xbfffd5f8
gdb) bt
#0  0x40298781 in kill () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x00000000 in ?? ()

Hmmm. I compiled with -debug --error-checking=all. Anything else?

uname -a: Linux gimli 2.4.26 #1 Thu Apr 22 11:26:50 CEST 2004 i686 unknown

./configure  '--mail-locking=flock' '--with-site-lisp' '--with-pop' '--with-mule' '--with-site-lisp' '--with-widgets=athena' '--debug' '--error-checking=all'

XEmacs 21.5-b17 "chayote" (+CVS-20040321) configured for `i686-pc-linux'.

Compilation Environment and Installation Defaults:
  Source code location:              /usr/local/src/xemacs-21.5.17
  Installation prefix:               /usr/local
  Operating system description file: `s/linux.h'
  Machine description file:          `m/intel386.h'
  Compiler version:                  2.95.4
    - GCC specs file:                /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.4/specs
    - Compiler command:              gcc  -g -O3
  libc version:                      GNU libc  (Debian)
  Relocating allocator for buffers:  no
  GNU version of malloc:             yes
    - Using Doug Lea's new malloc from the GNU C Library.

Window System:
  Compiling in support for the X window system:
    - X Windows headers location:                 /usr/X11R6/include
    - X Windows libraries location:               /usr/X11R6/lib
    - Handling WM_COMMAND properly.
  Compiling in support for the Athena widget set:
    - Athena headers location:                    X11/Xaw
    - Athena library to link:                     Xaw
  Using Lucid menubars.
  Using Lucid scrollbars.
  Using Athena dialog boxes.
  Using Athena native widgets.

  Compiling in support for ncurses.

  Compiling in support for GIF  images (builtin).
  Compiling in support for XPM  images.
  Compiling in support for PNG  images.
  Compiling in support for JPEG images.
  Compiling in support for X-Face message headers.

  Compiling in support for sound (native).


  Compiling in support for Mule (multi-lingual Emacs).
  Compiling in support for XIM (X11R5+ I18N input method).
    - Using raw Xlib to provide XIM support.

  Compiling in support for POP mail retrieval.
  Compiling in support for "flock" mail spool file locking method.

Other Features:
  Inhibiting IPv6 canonicalization at startup.
  Compiling in support for dynamic shared object modules.
  Using the new portable dumper.
  Compiling in support for extra debugging code.
  WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------------
  WARNING: Compiling in support for runtime error checking.
  WARNING: XEmacs will run noticeably more slowly as a result.
  WARNING: Error checking is on by default for XEmacs beta releases.
  WARNING: ---------------------------------------------------------

Any clues?


PS: Please CC: me, as I no longer follow xemacs-beta, although I'll
have a look at the web archive in the following days.

---          http://www.coling.uni-freiburg.de/~schauer/            ---
Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt
120: INN 2.x
       INN 2.x ist wie Fertig-Spaghetti aus der Tüte. Schmeckt lecker
       und ist im Grunde ganz einfach zuzubereiten. Trotzdem muß man
       ständig umrühren, damit's nicht anbrennt.
       (Andreas M. Kirchwitz)

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