Error running package-get in new xemacs-21.5.17

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Tue May 11 06:06:50 EDT 2004

>>>>> "Ed" == Ed Avis <ed at> writes:

    Ed> Could I ask though that package-get print a message about efs
    Ed> rather than dying with the above error?

Probably not sanely---it's buried deep in the file handling code

Basically, the problem for both of the bugs you just reported is that
the packages efs and xemacs-base should be _distributed_ with the
core, but there are valid reasons for _maintaining_ them separately.
We have no infrastructure for distributing packages with core.

It shouldn't be that hard to do in principle, but I expect a fair
number of annoying glitches.  A perfect task for somebody with a
little bit of patience who knows a little about shell scripting but
not enough C, Lisp, and XEmacs-specific stuff to work on XEmacs

You wouldn't happen to know anybody like that?  ;-)

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